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good condition - 10.50 ft $10,299 Väderstad SPIRIT ST-400 No-Till Seed Drill 2011 Used - good condition - 13.1 ft $48,785 John Deere 6110M Farm Tractor 2020 Used - good condition - 1,913 h - 110 Hp - 4 WD - full-powershift - 480/65R24 TREL - 30% - 540/65R38 TREL - 30% - 25 mph - front-end loader - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - 1L06110MCLX975927 $92,149 Perugini RK300 Rotary harrow 1994 Used - good condition - 9.8 ft $2,710 Perugini SK400 Rotary harrow 2012 Used - good condition - 13.1 ft $9,757 John Deere 6195M Farm Tractor 2023 Used - very good condition - 250 h - 195 Hp - 4 WD - semi-powershift - 600/65R28 MIC - 0% (New tyre) - 650/75R38 MIC - 0% (New tyre) - 25 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - 1L06195MCPK179549 $140,391 John Deere 7R330 Farm Tractor 2021 Used - good condition - 1,650 h - 330 Hp - 4 WD - continuously variable - 620/75R30 MIC - 10% - 900/60R42 MIC - 10% - 31 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - 1RW7330SCLD111288 $211,400 CONSOLE JOHN DEERE 2630 2015 Precision Agriculture - Used - Condition not indicated 5 421 $ John Deere V451M Round baler 2018 Used - good condition - 7.2 ft $27,103 John Deere 6195M Farm Tractor 2023 Used - very good condition - 150 h - 195 Hp - 4 WD - semi-powershift - 600/65R28 MIC - 10% - 650/75R38 MIC - 10% - 25 mph - SATNAV predisposition - suspended cabin - air conditioning - Front axle suspension system - front lift - 1L06195MAPX202219 John Deere X740 Lawn tractor 2011 Used - good condition - 3,127 h - N/A $8,445 Fella 680D HYDRO Tedder 2007 Used - good condition - 22.3 ft $4,228 John Deere 6100M Farm Tractor 2023 Used - good condition - 372 h - 100 Hp - 4 WD - semi-powershift - 380/85R28 TREL - 10% - 460/85R38 TREL - 10% - 25 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - 1L06100MLNX150219 $92,149 John Deere 6110M Farm Tractor 2019 Used - 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SATNAV predisposition - 1L06175MTPX202281 Fendt 724 VARIO PROFI PLUS Farm Tractor 2013 Used - good condition - 5,500 h - 240 Hp - 4 WD - continuously variable - 600/70R28 VRED - 60% - 710/75R38 VRED - 60% - 25 mph - SATNAV predisposition - suspended cabin - air conditioning - Front axle suspension system - front lift - 737212478 $95,401 John Deere 6110M Farm Tractor 2023 Used - good condition - 676 h - 110 Hp - 4 WD - continuously variable - 380/70R28 MIC - 5% - 480/70R38 MIC - 5% - 25 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - 1L06110MCNP140551 Väderstad CARRIER XL 625 Stubble cultivator 2022 Used - good condition - disks - 20.7 ft - rollers $68,298 New Holland T7.210 AC Farm Tractor 2019 Used - good condition - 2,600 h - 165 Hp - 4 WD - continuously variable - 16.9R38 MIC - 40% - 520/85R42 MIC - 40% - 25 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - HACT7210EKE121049 $88,896 John Deere 6R195 Farm Tractor 2023 Used - good condition - 761 h - 195 Hp - 4 WD - continuously variable - 600/65R30 FIR - 10% - 650/85R38 FIR - 10% - 25 mph - front lift - Front axle suspension system - air conditioning - suspended cabin - SATNAV predisposition - 1L06195RVPP189238 Köckerling REBELL 800T Stubble cultivator 2021 Used - very good condition - disks - 26.2 ft - rollers $46,616 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 »